Borrowing books

First search for the book you want in the online catalog. You can find out the availability of the book and its location in the library by viewing the record and clicking on all the items. Here you will see which library the book is available in and also the book location - the shelf designation on which the book can be found. If a date is shown next to the record, the book is currently checked out. The loan period is usually one month or a semester. Each library branch has its own abbreviation (BOR, PED, PRA...) - it is necessary to look up the copy in the respective library. The selected publications will be loaded onto your JIS card by the staff at the circulation desk. It is also possible to use the Selfcheck self-service machine for checking books out.

The book is in the depository, how can I borrow it? Write down the library book code and ask the staff at the counter. We will bring the book to you from the depository in a moment. Alternatively, use the option to order the book from the depository by logging in to the online catalog.