Assigning an ISBN – information for authors

In order to assign an ISBN to your proceedings, yearbook, annual report and other unreviewed publications, we will need from you:

Note: you need to download the form to your computer before filling it in.

Please familiarize yourselves with the basic rules for assigning an ISBN (Czech only).

If the publication is not published within 6 months of the planned publication date, the editor/author of the publication will inform the Publishing House of the new date or "return" the assigned ISBN.

Requirements of the publication

We ask you not to forget to include the following in the publication:

  • the UWB logo: place the UWB logo on the cover of the publication, or the logo of your faculty (see the Guidelines on the uniform visual style). The UWB logos can be found on the UWB portal.
  • the ISBN and the year of publication: on the second page of the publication, indicate the ISBN number and under it the text "Published by the University of West Bohemia" and the year of publication. The ISBN should be given in the following format: ISBN 978-80-261-XXXX-X, i.e., with the abbreviation ISBN and without the colon (more about the rules for assigning an ISBN, Czech only).
  • copyright page: the copyright page, usually placed at the end of the publication, should include:
    • mandatory statutory data: the author's name, the title of the publication, the translator's name (if a translation), the publisher's name and address, the name and address of the printing house, the year of publication, the original title of the work and original publisher (if a translation) - see the provisions of Act No. 37/1995 Coll. on non-periodical publications
    • any other optional data: edition number, number of pages, print run, editor(s), etc.
    • we also offer a copyright page template, which only needs to be modified according to your needs

Are you considering submitting the proceedings to the Web of Science or Scopus citation databases? Familiarize yourself with their requirements and take them into account when preparing your proceedings:

Also, be sure to check the licensing rights for any images used. Here is some basic information (Czech only) on licensing rights. If you are unsure, we recommend contacting the Legal Department.

Delivery of compulsory copies

Within 4 days of publication, the editor/author shall submit 18 copies of the publication to the ZČU University Press together with the annotation.

In the case of on-line publications, it is necessary to send the text of the on-line publication (in .pdf format or other non-editable format) to the UWB University Press, which will be published in the UWB Digital Library.

Typesetting and printing

At the UWB University Press we will also be happy to arrange printing of your publication.

We will also help you with prepress editing – we will take care of the layout of the publication in Adobe InDesign and in cooperation with graduates of the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art we will prepare a graphic design of the cover according to your ideas.

We are here for you

In case of need, please contact us by email ( or by phone at +420 377 631 950. We will be happy to assist or advise you.